Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you still need help please contact us.


Where do you ship to?

All of the 50 United States

How long does shipping take?

Please allow 5-7 business days for your package to arrive.

How do I track my order?

Tracking information will be sent you via email as soon as your shipping label has been created. Please note, it may take up to 24 hours after receiving your package, for your tracking information to be updated by the postal service.


Can I return an item?

Unfortunately we do not accept returns or exchanges on products purchased. If your product is damaged or flawed please let us know immediately and a replacement will be provide if it is within two weeks of your purchase date.

What if my item is damaged?

Please contact us immediately and a replacement will be provide if it is within two weeks of your purchase date.

All things Earrings

How to I clean my clay earrings?

For general cleaning, simply wipe down your earrings with a wet cloth. To remove tougher stain and marks, such as makeup, fingernail polish remover works wonders.

What are the care instructions for my clay earrings?

Always keep your earrings safely in their box when traveling.

Do not set anything on top of your earrings.

Do not wear in water.

Are clay earrings heavy?

No! All of our clay earrings are incredible lightweight. Most pairs weigh in at less than an ounce.

Are your earrings hypoallergenic?

YES!! All of your earrings are hypoallergenic and nickel free.